Forms and Documents

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Directory (By Address)

Directory (By Name)

Project Submission Form

Rental Agreement

Board Nomination Form

Proxy Statement

Community Guidelines


Code of Conduct

Articles of Organization


Dock Slip Waiting List

Consultant’s Report - Leisure Lee Pavement Assessment

Survey of the Members of the BHLL Community Aug. 1, 2024

Counsel’s Report on Dock Usage

Counsel’s Dock Issues Report addresses the BHLL attorney’s presentation during the July 2024 BHLL Annual Meeting. 

For the record, since that meeting the Board has passed the following motions:

1. Implement a BHLL Dock Users Fee for slip holders, to be reviewed on an annual basis, to begin with a fee for the 2025 Season of $300.00

2. Implement a BHLL Dock Users policy for all new slip holders beginning with the 2025 Season to have use of the provided slip for a total of 10 years. Should the Homeowner sell their property or pass, their significant other may have use of the slip for the remaining years of the 10 year period. Should the Homeowner not have a significant other the slip is immediately returned to the Dock Master for reassignment.

3. Implement a BHLL Dock Users policy for all current slip holders beginning with the 2025 Season to have use of the provided slip for a period of 5, 7 or 10 years depending upon the number of years they have already had it. At the end of the allotted time as confirmed by the Dock Master the homeowner will no longer have use of the assigned slip and the slip is immediately returned to the Dock Master for reassignment.

Should the Homeowner sell their property or pass, their significant other may have use of the slip for the remaining years of the period. Should the Homeowner not have a significant other the slip is immediately returned to the Dock Master for reassignment.

4. Implement a BHLL Dock Users policy for all slip holders to sign a Users Agreement for the year of use, beginning with the 2025 Season, to affirm use of their assigned slip for a period of one year (as dictated by our permit) and agreeing to follow all rules and regulations as required by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Town of Lee, MA

5. After review, the Board again affirmed their decision, by unanimous vote, not to consider an extension of the current dock nor to explore the building of a second dock.
We can now with these decisions bring to a close any and all issues concerning the BHLL Dock and Slip Usage. We have revised our policies to make usage of our docks more fair & equitable and working our way to be in compliance with the Permit for our docks as required. 

The following three individual have been elected to the board for a three year term:

  • Carl Baurle

  • Howard Gross

  • Molly Shifrin

    Leaving the board, at the conclusion of the current term, are:

  • Susan Sariego

  • Bob Schwartz

  • Nancy Shorr

Board Elections 2024

Board Elections 2023

The following board members, whose terms expired in 2023, have all been re-elected for new three year terms:

  • Joel Agler

  • John Britton

  • Richard Lerman

  • Maddy Policzer

    In addition, Jane Smith was appointed to complete the term of Hal Feinberg, who left the community.